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StoreIt™ → Online Records Archiving

Protect the integrity of your records. Eliminate vulnerability to destruction, loss, and accidental or malicious damage. Your archived records are stored off-site yet available online via the Internet any time you need them.

Using our electronic records archiving software means your records are secure and tamper proof, yet can be accessed in moments with a few mouse clicks. You also eliminate vulnerability to loss, accidental or malicious damage, and destruction.

Online, Offsite & Authenticated Long-Term Records Archiving

Online Records Archiving from DatawitnessStore, manage and retrieve records 24/7 from any computer or device with an Internet connection. Datawitness Records Archiving preserves your records and provides fast web-based access from a secure datacenter. You can archive digital source or scanned documentEven scanning existing paper means that you can then recycle the paper and save on storage space (aka, benign land use) over a long period of time and image files in common business formats. Datawitness authenticates each stored record using digital fingerprinting technology.

StoreIt™ Features

With StoreIt™ you can store, manage, and retrieve records anytime, anywhere with only an internet connection. Here are 10 ways Datawitness StoreIt™ makes your life easier:

Online Records Archiving from Datawitness
  1. Reduce time spent handling and managing paper
  2. Reduce the cost of long-term storage
  3. Save Money on printing, filing, and supplies
  4. Easy Digital Retrieval anytime, anywhere
  5. Off-site storage protects against loss
  6. Long-term storage satisfies retention policies
  7. Redundancy for your current records
  8. Guarantee authenticity with third party witnessing
  9. Provide best evidence in disputes
  10. Streamline records storage through our API

What is different about StoreIt™?

Datawitness takes digital archiving a step further. We profile and archive each record you store digitally onto long-term offline media. Then media gets stored in a secure vault trusted by local and national governments. You keep fast access to digital records. And you get the added safety of an off-site physical copy that locks in the integrity of the record.

We can also help you migrate your paperClimate change at predicted levels could eventually move the southern boundaries of most North American forests as much as 400 mi. (600-700km) northward. By recycling paper you will be giving forests a fighting chance. Remember, trees are the 2nd most prolific carbon sinks. by converting it into digital records and storing them in StoreIt™. Please contact us for a quote on converting your paper records into Datawitness archives through one of our recommended partners.

Customers Archiving Records Now Include:

  • Private colleges and training institutions
  • Law firms and Notaries
  • Realtors and Property Managers
  • Small Businesses
  • Government Services

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It worked flawlessly. It took me less than 5 minutes to do all my uploading. Given the increased burden the Ministry is placing on private schools, anything that can make the process quick and let me get on with my work gets a thumbs up from me.

Lee While

Ontario Institute of Audio Recording Technology

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Quick Fact

The average time to refile a paper document is 3 minutes.

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