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Datawitness API Enables Access to Secure Third Party File Archiving and Storage

Richmond, British Columbia – October 23, 2007 - Datawitness Online Ltd. announced the release of an API (Application Programming Interface) enabling long-term record storage.
"The new API enables developers to add long-term storage to their web-based applications without the costs of implementing or maintaining a records archiving and storage system," said CTO Byron Morton. "Our goal is to make access to Datawitness as flexible and reliable as possible. We chose a REST-based architectural style to avoid the constraints of specific protocols, languages, or methods."

Full Release: Datawitness API Enables Access to Secure Third Party File Archiving and Storage »

Karim Allibhai Appointed Datawitness Director of Sales

Richmond, British Columbia – September 10, 2007 - Datawitness Online Ltd. appointed Karim Allibhai as Director of Sales today.
"Mr. Allibhai brings a results-oriented approach to selling our products and services," said CEO Jag Gillan.

Full Release: Karim Allibhai Appointed Datawitness Director of Sales »

Datawitness selected as an approved vendor by Ontario Provincial Ministry

Richmond, British Columbia – July 30, 2007 – Datawitness Online Ltd. announced today that it has been selected as an approved vendor by the Ontario Provincial Government Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities to provide transcript maintenance and issuance services for the more than 500 educational institutions in the Province of Ontario.

Full Release: Datawitness selected as an approved vendor by Ontario Provincial Ministry »

World Trade University Picks Datawitness For Electronic Message Security

Richmond, British Columbia – July 11, 2007 - Datawitness Online Ltd. announced today that the World Trade University Global Headquarters (WTU) has signed a renewable, one-year agreement to use Datawitness Registered Email for the delivery of its critical electronic messages. Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Full Release: World Trade University Picks Datawitness For Electronic Message Security »

Datawitness Online and The Genus Group of Companies Team Up at the CeBIT Exhibition

Richmond, British Columbia – March 9, 2007 – Datawitness Online Ltd. is pleased to announce that The Genus Group of Companies will be introducing the Datawitness product line at the annual CeBIT exhibition in Hanover, Germany.

Full Release: Datawitness Online and The Genus Group of Companies Team Up at the CeBIT Exhibition »

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The initial cost of filing a document including supplies and staff time is 20 cents per sheet.

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Sales Automation Tools and The Need For Speed - You are ready to get the deal signed. You've studied their hot-button issues, understand their needs and know you have a solution that is better than your competitors and you've stayed up late customizing your contract for them. You've faithfully attended to their entry in your CRM, followed up with each conversation and now you are ready to close the deal. Nothing is going to stop you from closing. You are primed and ready...

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