Guide to Creating an Environmentally Friendly Office → Sep 5th 2008
Greening Your Law Firm: A Practical Guide to Creating an Environment-Friendly Law Office is a comprehensive article by lawyer Janice Mucalov. Datawitness would like to draw your attention to this insightful article regarding the “greening of your office”. The subject matter of Ms. Mucalov’s article is based on law-firms but her advice clearly is applicable to other types of business and professional offices.
Although an office cannot be completely “paperless” there are certain fundamental building blocks to an environmentally-friendlier office. These blocks include the elimination of paper as a storage medium and converting closed files to electronic or microfilm storage. Datawitness can help you reduce the paper stored in your office with secured online archiving.
Give us a call, what have you got to lose but gain secured offsite storage.
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